Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Canada’s Golf Industry Launches Campaign

The National Allied Golf Associations (NAGA) is launching a Canada-wide government relations campaign aimed at increasing the awareness of golf’s positive impact on the Canadian economy and our lifestyles. A series of Golf Lobby Days will be held at various legislatures and the Parliament in early spring and will focus on golf’s economic impact, environmental stewardship and health and wellness benefits. With close to thirty legislative issues facing the Canadian golf industry today, there has never been a better time for the industry to join forces and tell its ‘good news’ story.

“Most people don’t realise it,” said Jeff Calderwood, Government Relations Director for NAGA and CEO of the NGCOA Canada, “but more than six million Canadians play golf. That makes golf the number one sport in Canada in terms of appeal and participation. Yes, it’s true: there are more golfers in this country than there are hockey players.” 

Canada’s golf industry represents more than $11 billion dollars in economic activity across Canada every year and employs more than 155,000 Canadians. Charitable donations from the industry approach a half billion dollars per year, and the golf industry contributes more than $3 billion dollars per year in various tax revenues to governments across Canada. This is indeed a ‘great news’ story that needs to be told! 

“The size and scope of the industry is truly incredible, and surprises even industry veterans when they hear the numbers,” said Richard Janes, Chairman of NAGA and Commissioner and CEO of the Canadian Tour. 

“Our campaign is being launched to educate legislators across Canada – and indeed the Canadian public – that golf as an industry is vital to the economic well-being of hundreds of communities from coast to coast.” 

This national government relations awareness campaign, the first of its kind in the Canadian golf industry will include seven events in provincial capitals throughout April and May, as well as a federal event to highlight the importance of the industry to key decision makers in Ottawa. Events will consist of political and media outreach, and will take place in Victoria, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, and Charlottetown. 

“We’re very excited about these events,” said Calderwood. “The campaign will get underway just as golfers from across Canada will be dusting off their clubs for another season on the links. It’s a perfect time to hit the road to spread the success story of the Canadian golf industry.” 

About NAGA: NAGA is a national golf organization comprised of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA), Canadian Professional Golfers Association (CPGA), Canadian Society of Club Managers (CSCM), Canadian Tour, Golf Canada (GC) and the National Golf Course Owners Association Canada (NGCOA), dedicated to improving all sectors of golf in Canada. 

Formed in 1999, NAGA’s objective is to work cooperatively together as industry leaders ensuring a strong future for golf in Canada.