Friday, February 25, 2011

McIlroy Accenture Interview..No Sound

Rory McIlroy at Dove Mountain on Thursday

RORY MCILROY: I just missed a couple of greens. It was a little bit -- even yesterday I didn't hit that many greens. With the right-to-left winds, I'm trying to just play lip shots and just leave them more to the right. But Ben played -- if he plays like that the rest of the week, he'll be very tough to beat.

Q. (Inaudible.)

RORY MCILROY: It's match play, isn't it? I've done it to people before where I've been five or six under after a few holes. And this is one of the first times it's happened to me, but it's the nature of match play.

Q. The momentum starts -- what's it like, the momentum just goes away?

RORY MCILROY: It's not even momentum, it's just he plays better than you. And he keeps it on all the time. And when you get up, you just don't let the opponent get back in, and that's what he did today.

And I didn't give myself a chance, either. I didn't hit it close enough to get many chances for birdies. And every time I did have a chance for birdie, he rolled it in ahead of me. It was tough.

Q. (Inaudible.)

RORY MCILROY: Of course, I'm actually -- I would have -- I find this easier to take than getting beat on the last, you know. I don't mind this at all.

Q. He's an underrated player, as well?

RORY MCILROY: He's a great player, he's solid. If he plays -- I can't see him playing like that -- if he plays like that in spurts for the rest of the tournament, he's going to be a tough guy to get rid of.

Q. He's not as slow as people talk about?

RORY MCILROY: No, he's speeded up. I played him last year in Memphis, and I didn't find that at all.

Q. It didn't affect you at all?

RORY MCILROY: No, it was fine. Especially we played quick out there, because he was making birdies.

Q. What do you do now?

RORY MCILROY: I was just talking to JP that I think I'll probably go for Florida tonight, hopefully get adjusted to a little bit of a time change, get a bit of practice on Bermudagrass, get accustomed to the -- it's a great place to sort of practice, so I'll go and practice somewhere. I'm sure there's great hotels around there, go to the gym, just go punish myself for a few days.

Q. It's not even that, is it?

RORY MCILROY: It's not even that. I'm playing all right. I definitely didn't play as good this week as I did in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, but it's not as if -- the score line says 8 and 7, but it wasn't that bad.

Q. Maybe a few drives here and there, as well?

RORY MCILROY: I actually drove it well, but just the drive on 10 and 11.

Q. No. 3 set you back a little bit?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, a little bit.

Q. Take it wide right off the tee?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, the pin was front right, so I was trying to be cute with the second and hit that in the water.

Q. And knocked it stiff?


Q. Left a couple of souvenirs in the pond?

RORY MCILROY: I certainly did.

Q. What did you hit off the tee there?

RORY MCILROY: 7. That was a shot where the wind was off to the right, and I was trying to hit that shot and got a little steep on it and sort of squared it off to the right.

Q. You'll get a little wind in Florida, a little steady on shore every day?