Saturday, December 18, 2010

Schüco International Supports Princess

German Engineering firm Schüco International KG has been named as the title sponsor of The Princess, the European Challenge Tour event supported by Swedish Ryder Cup star Henrik Stenson.

The Princess by Schüco, now in its third year, will be played from June 30-July 3, 2011, at a new venue, PGA of Sweden National in Bara, near Malmö, Sweden.

Schüco, which is based in Bielefeld, Germany, and has a staff of 5,000 and 12,000 partners in more than 75 countries, is one of Stenson’s main sponsors. The firm provides a broad product portfolio with customised solutions and top quality materials which meet the highest standards of energy efficiency and convenience design, from state-of-the-art window and facade technology all the way to sustainable solar solutions.

Through its brand statement “saving energy and generating energy”, Schüco is committed to providing solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.

Stenson, who will round off the week by teeing up against a world-class opponent in The Princess Charity Challenge, said: “Being a father of two and a product of the Challenge Tour, it is with the utmost satisfaction that I can see the event develop and progress. I am very happy that a company such as Schüco recognises the efforts made by The Princess to encourage young professionals and juniors develop as golfers, as well as individuals. A sustainable future that we all can partake in and play golf in is a common ambition. The Princess and Schüco are not only here to stay, but are also willing to assume greater responsibility in making our future a brighter and better one.”

Dirk U. Hindrichs, President and CEO of Schüco International KG, said: “We are proud to be the presenting sponsor of The Princess. We are all about the future – a sustainable future.

“Our technology is developed to ensure comfort, without sacrificing any of our scarce natural resources. The Princess is all about investing in the future too, in the next generation as well as the ones to follow. In golf, we see a game played outdoors in harmony with nature, we see precision and technology applied in a gentlemanly manner to achieve seemingly effortless power.

“Henrik Stenson aspires to inspire future generations to find their place in the world through the game of golf, and other sports. In his work with his Foundation and through other initiatives, he clearly displays the same passion we share about investing in our future.”

Alain de Soultrait, Director of the Challenge Tour, said: “An already strong tournament has become even stronger with the announcement of Schüco as title sponsors. With the support of Henrik Stenson, who won the Challenge Tour Rankings in 2000, and now a well-respected company such as Schüco on board, The Princess has a very bright future. The Challenge Tour shares the same vision of investing in the future, so our partnership with Schüco is a natural fit.”  

Schüco joins an already-impressive roster of partners who will be supporting the event: SGF, Hugo Boss and PEAB and PGA of Sweden National Resort. In addition to supporting the Henrik Stenson Foundation, the event will also raise funds for its chosen charity, the World Childhood Foundation and Friends.