Saturday, October 2, 2010

Monty Sets Target for Session 3

Colin Montgomerie has set his European Team a target of four points from Session Three of The 2010 Ryder Cup to set up a mouth-watering singles session tomorrow.

Europe head into the third session, comprising two foursomes and four fourballs, 6-4 down, but Montgomerie is determined to boost his players’ confidence.

“We need, minimum, 4 2 out of this session,” he said. There's two foursomes out there and four fourballs. We must get into the singles eight all, minimum. If we can get into this eight all, God, what a day we have got ahead of us tomorrow afternoon.

“As I always said, these matches are so close, even the record wins that Europe have had over the last sort of four times, these matches are so, so close, and it comes down to the last hole. Five out of seven have gone their way and it's unfortunate, but it's just the way these things golf.

“I'm just telling the players how good they are. That's all I can do. I can do only that much to tell them how good they are, the motivational tapes are on in the lounges when they come in, they see themselves lifting trophies, they see themselves holing putts, so that's all we can do. That's all I can do is give them passion.

“Their motivation is there, as I've said all week, by losing this thing two years ago. The motivation is there; now it's all about passion here, and want, and they have got to want this and by God, they do.”

Play will resume at 7.45am.